"Push-Pull" - Air Duct Cleaning Method
Regular $199.95 Special $99
- First, our technicians attach a high powered vacuum to the main trunk line leading to your furnace.
- Next, the techs use a tool called an air-wand and go to each branch line. The air-wand uses highly compressed air to push all the dust, dirt and debris down to the main trunk-lines where the vacuum hose creates negative-pressure, drawing all the contaminants to our van mounted equipment.
- Once the technicians have completed the initial air sweep, they will go to the bottom of the furnace with a 25-ft rotary, reverse nozzle air-wand, known as an air-snake. This creates a tornado effect in the air duct work removing all residue from the wall of the air ducts. This pulls any remaining dust and debris back out to the vacuum. The air-wand is "pushing" while the vacuum is "pulling" and it does a very effective job on light dust, dirt and debris.
"Rotary Brush" - Duct Cleaning Method
Price $249.95 Special $189
Our duct cleaners use the same first two steps mentioned above, but once they have completed the initial air sweep, an item called a Rotary-Brush with a reverse nozzle will be used. It is inserted into the main trunk lines where the brush rotates inside your duct work. This rotating brush "scrubs" the walls clean, removing anything that is attached or "stuck" to the walls of the air ducts.Once the air ducts have been scrubbed clean, the technicians continue on to step 3 using compressed air to pull the dust and debris which was removed from the side walls of the trunk lines and any other debris which was loosened with the rotary brush, back out to the vacuum using the step 4 mentioned above. All return lines and supply lines within your house get completely cleaned. Watch this short duct cleaning videoexplaining the Rotary Brush Duct cleaning process.
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